Pharma Companies

Telmisartan Tablet Brands in India

Telmisartan Tablet Brands in India

Telmisartan Tablet Brands in India – India is the world’s most populous country with 141.72 crore people. According to the WHO, about 220 million people in India are suffering from Hypertension (High Blood Pressure). Hypertension is a chronic health condition in which the pressure of the blood against veins and blood vessels persistently increases. Increased

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Best Itraconazole Brands in India

Best Itraconazole Brands in India

Best Itraconazole Brands in India: Itraconazole is a medicine used in the protection from fungal infection. It manages the growth of fungal cells and reduces their DNA count. Fungal infection is of various types such as Paracoccidioidomycosis, histoplasmosis, coccidioidomycosis, blastomycosis, and aspergillosis and itraconazole salt is beneficial in treating all of these. Many times doctors

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